Wednesday, March 30, 2016

CAS International Photo Contest!

The 2016 CAS International Photo Contest is fast approaching. The contest is for students who have traveled abroad during a Scholars trip or as a study-away student. We are looking for great photos that express something about your time abroad/away. And international students may submit great photos from New York, as this is an international experience for all of you!

In the past, photos have highlighted some of the following: scenery & landmarks; local residents at work & play; student exploration; and artistic perspectives. We encourage students to submit their most compelling international photos with each student allowed a maximum of three entries. 

Ten winners will be selected and will receive a $50 gift certificate. In addition, winning photographs will be enlarged and framed for display on the walls of the Class of ’29 Lounge (Silver 907).

The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 15. Attach each photograph to a separate entry form (see attached poster, second page) and submit to Diannely Antigua in the CAS Advising Center, Silver 905. Please note that submissions must include actual photographs – no email or file submissions please!

You will need to include prints of your photographs that are 5” x 7” or larger. Photos can be either film format (e.g., 35mm) or digital (min. 300 dpi). Be sure to save negatives or electronic files, as winning photos will be enlarged and framed at a later date. 

If you are currently studying abroad but would still like to participate in the contest, please send your photo(s) and entry form(s) directly to Diannely Antigua in CAS Advising:

Diannely Antigua
CAS Advising Center
100 Washington Square East, Suite 905
New York, NY 10003

You can also have a friend drop off your submission at our office, if someone in NYC can print your photos. Unfortunately, we cannot accept digital submissions because the voting involves actual physical photographs (at least 5"x7").

If you have any questions about this process, please email Diannely Antigua at

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