Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The University Learning Center Presents:

Academic Resources for International Students
College is a new experience for everyone, but can present peculiarities when seen from the lens of an international student.  Peer Academic Coaches will put things into perspective and give you tips on what to expect - and what will be expected of you - in this new environment! 
Tuesday, August 26, 2pm
ARC LL01 (Academic Resource Center, 18 Washington Place, Lower Level)

Study Skills and Learning Strategies for College Success
Are your study skills a little rusty?  Do you know your own style of studying and the best way for you to succeed at NYU?  This workshop will touch on various study styles and learning strategies, and will hopefully introduce you to a new arsenal of tools to use to succeed in your classes and Achieve Excellence!
3:00pm, Tuesday
3:00pm, Wednesday
Both sessions will be held in ARC LL01 (Academic Resource Center, 18 Washington Place, Lower Level)

Time Management - Planning to Succeed
Life at NYU can be an exciting and often challenging experience. From classes to clubs, registration to roommates, managing your daily college life can be an adjustment. Get advice from Peer Academic Coaches (students who have been through it before) on managing your time instead of time managing you!
4:00pm, Tuesday
4:00pm, Wednesday
Both sessions will be held in ARC LL01 (Academic Resource Center, 18 Washington Place, Lower Level)


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