Friday, October 11, 2013

Coffee Hour Recap

Get Involved!

Yesterday's International Student Coffee Hour was great!  We were able to speak with some fantastic people from different organizations involved with volunteer projects at NYU and throughout the city.

If you were not able to make it, here is some of what you missed:

Center for Student Activities, Leadership & Service
NYU Service:
There are so many leadership and service opportunities available at NYU that both    help the community and give you a sense of accomplishment.
Alternative Spring Break:
The goal of the Alternative Breaks program is to give students an opportunity to connect with meaningful service projects around the world.
One To World creates global citizens and inspires a peaceful world through one-of-a-kind programs in classrooms and communities:
Dr. Tristan Kirvin, CAS Academic Affairs, discussed a rewarding experience while studying abroad in Rome.  
More than anything, service and volunteer opportunities give you a chance to connect with other students and the community.  No matter what the task, big or small, these experiences will give you a renewed outlook and inevitable help you later on.  So check out the website and start getting involved! 

See you at the next CAS International Student Coffee Hour!

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