Friday, December 23, 2016

Friday, December 23

Dear Students,

Winter Break has FINALLY arrived!  Here are some events/deadlines that we would like you to keep in mind:

NYU Winter Break Guide
In New York City during Winter Break or on campus taking January Term classes?  The Student Resource Center has put together a Winter Guide, which includes campus office hours, residence hall programs, NYC activities, and more!

CAS International Student Mentor Program
The CAS International Student Mentor Program just wrapped up a great fall semester!  Scores of new international students in CAS connected with returning international students in mentee-mentor relationships.  This fun and growing program will continue in the spring semester.  If you are a first-year student or transferred to NYU during the fall 2016 semester and would like to join the Mentor Program as a mentee, please apply here by Sunday, January 8, 2017.

We have a wonderful group of participating students and we would love to have you get involved! Please direct any questions to

Dalai Lama Fellowship Info Session & Application Details
Interested in joining an immersive and interdisciplinary leadership program such as the Dalai Lama Fellowship?  New York University is one of ten universities in North America to offer the Dalai Lama Fellowship, an international program of the Dalai Lama Center.  All full-time students--undergraduate, graduate, and professional students--are invited to apply.  Application deadline is January 31, 2017.  Contact for details.

Also check out our previous posts regarding NYU Intergroup Dialogue courses and Women's Leadership Program: Mindfulness in Action.

Have a wonderful break, and we will see you in the new year!


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